Why M F’n S?
I’d like to start this venture with 100% transparency and set the stage for what’s to come. The first time I said Multiple F’n Sclerosis, rest assured I didn’t say F’n. I was at a moment of pure frustration and used the F word loud and proud. The thing with MS is it F’s with you in so many different ways that from day to day you never know what you’re going to get. Some not-so-good days get the F-bomb!
One thing I have wished for in the 2 years since my diagnosis is that I could talk to someone that feels the same way I do. Someone who looks at MS with humor & optimism but also with anger & sadness. So basically, keeps s*&% real. What you will get here is one woman’s honest take on dealing with Multiple Sclerosis. Writing this blog will certainly be therapeutic for me but my hope is it will also help other MSers feel less alone!
What to expect
While I have no idea where exactly this blog will lead, I imagine the topics will fall into 3 broad categories. Since I know my brain, it is likely there will also be topics that are outside of these categories and some that fit into more than one. I am the kind of type A person who needs guidelines, so I have to at least set myself (and any Type A readers) up from the beginning with some modicum of structure.
Tips & Tricks
This is the area that originally motivated me to start a blog. Like what if I am doing something that someone else hasn’t thought of and then it helps them?! Amazing! I imagine there will be some “duh Captain Obvious” stuff I discuss but even if one of my tips helps someone I am friggin excited!
I am writing this blog as a bit of self-imposed therapy, so as such, a lot of the posts will be my venting about how I am feeling both mentally and physically. I will try and keep the complaining to a minimum but still depict a real picture of my life with MS. My goal is to balance the good with the bad and not sugar coat anything!
Multiple sclerosis medication
How can someone with MS not talk about drugs? LOL, but really? Now, I have never been one to take prescription drugs but that all changed with my diagnosis. I hope to provide an unbiased snapshot of my experience with medications. Insert all disclaimers as I am not a doctor, pharmacist, etc; just a gal with MS talking about drugs.
Hello! I am a vitamin D deficient sun seeker currently living in Western NY (a hotbed of Multiple Sclerosis). When I had a professional career it was in all areas of supply chain, then I blew it up to study herbal medicine. That suits me much better!
I have a degree in Anthropology that I’ve never used except for surprising people that such a degree exists. However, my student loan bill assures me I will never forget the fact this degree exists.
If ever I am missing, I’m probably either outside analyzing the intricacies of floral anatomy or curled up somewhere quiet with 12 blankets and a good book. In either scenario, please do not disturb.
I am more at home outside in the sun burning my delicate ginger skin than I ever could be inside. Except at nap time, then I am perfectly content inside in bed.
I fancy myself pretty crafty and have made some really cool stuff. As soon as someone suggests said crafts could be a business, I promptly shut down and stop crafting altogether (until I find a new interest!).